§ 26-1-7. Committees within department. (Effective 5/13/2014)  

Latest version.
  • (1) There are created within the department the following committees:
    (a) Health Facility Committee;
    (b) State Emergency Medical Services Committee;
    (c) Health Data Committee;
    (d) Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program Advisory Committee;
    (e) Residential Child Care Licensing Advisory Committee;
    (f) Child Care Center Licensing Committee; and
    (g) Primary Care Grant Committee.
    (2) The department shall:
    (a) review all committees and advisory groups in existence before July 1, 2003 that are not listed in Subsection (1) or Section 26-1-7.5, and not required by state or federal law; and
    (b) beginning no later than July 1, 2003:
    (i) consolidate those advisory groups and committees with other committees or advisory groups as appropriate to create greater efficiencies and budgetary savings for the department; and
    (ii) create in writing, time-limited and subject-limited duties for the advisory groups or committees as necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the department.
Amended by Chapter 322, 2014 General Session
Amended by Chapter 384, 2014 General Session